Hello again. Over the last few months I have been quietly working away on this collection for my second tarot deck. This project came off the back of my first deck 'Oak, Ash and Torn' with the wonderful author Stephanie Burrows, who, I think it's fair to say opened the door to the incredible world of tarot art for me. This all cat themed deck is for Llewellyn publishing and I'm lucky enough to be working along side author Leeza Robertson. More coming soon for you from this project.
Hello again everyone. over the past few months I have jumped headfirst back into work on the upcoming book 'The Mushroom Garden'. This has been a passion project of mine for the past 4 years and I am well and truly on the home straight now. It is the first book that I have both written and illustrated, the story has entered its final stages having been sent off to a beta reader and final edits and I am currently working away on the remaining illustrations and layouts. More coming from this very soon for you all.
We're so excited about this one. Both myself and the incredible Nom Kinnear King have been featured in the latest issue of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, as their Artist VS Artist segment. It is a conversation between the two of us chatting about our lives together so far and our creative journey, along with featured artworks from both of us. Check it out, I hope you enjoy it.
I'm working away on my new collection for the wonderful Haven Gallery. This show is called 'Thistledown' and will explore all things of natural magic, from woodland sprites, forest gods and strange creatures. Can't wait to show with them again.
Our new book 'A Stranger's Tale' written by the incredible Natasa Xerri and illustrated by myself is now up for grabs. You can find it online on Amazon of follow the link from this site to my shop where I have some signed copies available. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Strangers-Tale-Nata%C5%A1a-Xerri/dp/0646807862
Hello again everyone. I'm so excited to say that we have just completed work on our new Tarot Deck 'Oak, Ash and Thorn'. All of the 79 cards have their artwork complete and the remaining design work for the deck is being sorted by myself and the decks creator Stephanie Burrows. We are days away from sending everything off to the printers. Stay tuned for more on this soon, I'll be sure to post here when the Deck is available.
This was a wonderful little job to work on for Author Rhyan Pollard, creating a cover image and design for the first book in his fantasy series 'Of Magic and Mystery'.
Im really pleased to tell you that my new book 'The Warlock on the Hill', the second in 'The Errand Series' written by Leo LaFleur and illustrated by me, has been released. The third book is hot on its heels and will be landing on the shelves later this year.
I'm so happy to announce that this piece I created for FCB Newyork for an illness awareness campaign has won a Young Loins Pharma Award. I couldn't be more pleased that my piece has aided in the team winning this award.
another really fun job for film here. This Crest along with a series of others I painted will appear in the upcoming tv drama 'Gentleman Jack'.
This was a really fun job. I was asked to produce a series of these landscapes to appear in AMC's 'Humans series 3'. I was to draw these landscapes from the point of view of one of the characters with AI.
I have once again had the pleasure of working along side the wonderful director Jess Cope as well as an incredible team at Partizan Productions to bring you this dark Scifi thriller for Steven Wilsons 'The People who eat Darkness'. Keep an eye on my animation section of this site where I will be uploading all the details.
I'm so happy to say that my book 'The Errand' written by Leo LaFleur and Illustrated by me is now available world wide. This is the first book in the series and the second will be released later on this year.
Here's a a little interview I did with Erica Berkowitz from the Haven Gallery for the wonderful Beautiful Bizarre Magazine. Check it out if you'd like to hear a few of my thoughts behind the collection for my new exhibition 'The Wilderlands'... https://beautifulbizarre.net/2018/06/26/the-wilderlands-haven-gallery-an-interview-with-adam-oehlers/
Hello again, here's a little write up for you about my solo exhibition 'The Wilderlands' currently on show at The Haven Gallery in Northport New York.
My Solo Exhibition 'The Wilderlands' is now on show with the good folks at Haven Gallery. The show runs from June 30th to August 4th 2018. To see the full collection and get any details on the pieces please contact the Haven Gallery at info@havenartgallery.com
After an epic journey with director Jess Cope and the production company Partizan our new animation 'Here Comes Revenge' has been released as the official music video for Metallica's new song of the same name. Head on over to the 'Animation' section of this site to get more details and to see some of the original Concept art that I created for the project. The image here is one of the first pieces I did for 'Here Comes Revenge'
I'm thrilled to announce that we have signed another contract with 'Simply Read Books' for the second book in 'The Errand' series. I have begun work on the Final Artwork for the book. The First in the series is due to be released later on this year, followed shorty by the second, its called 'The Warlock in the Mansion on the Hill'. This image is a crop of one of the final pieces for the book.
Our Latest Animation has been released. This is 'Beautiful Birds' done for a music video for Passenger. Directed by Jess Cope, produced by Partizan and the concept art done by myself. To see the Animation and for more details head on over to the 'Animation' section of this website. The image here is one of my original Concepts for the project.
I'm very excited to let you know that later on this year my new book 'The Errand' will hit the book shelves world wide. It is written by the wonderful Leo Lafleur, illustrated by myself and published by 'Simply Read Books'. It is a Storybook/graphic Novel set in a Tolkenesk fantasy world. The Story follows an Errand boy on a journey to deliver a mysterious package to a witch who lives in the heart of a menacing forest. This image is a work in progress of the cover image for the book.
Following my mini solo exhibition 'The Fenland Guide' with Haven Gallery in 2016, I'm happy to say that I will be back there with a full Solo Exhibition in 2018. Very much looking forward to working with the good folks at Haven once more.